
Pre-built tooling

Pre-built use cases

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Setup guide

No setup guide yet.

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API gotchas

  • LastPass in Nango uses Basic auth mode to access different endpoints. Please provide your cid as your username and provhash as your password values.
  • After creating a connection, you can use the Basic credentials as follows;
const connection = await nango.getConnection();
let credentials: { cid?: string; provhash?: string } = {};
if ('username' in connection.credentials && 'password' in connection.credentials) {
  credentials = {
    cid: connection.credentials.username,
    provhash: connection.credentials.password,
} else {
  throw new nango.ActionError({
    message: `Basic API credentials are incomplete`
const postData = {
  cid: credentials.cid,
  provhash: credentials.provhash,
  cmd: "batchadd",
  "data": [
      "username": "user4@lastpass.com",
      "fullname": "Jane Smith",
      "password": "DefaultPassword",
      "password_reset_required": false

const resp = await nango.post({
  data: postData,
Contribute API gotchas by editing this page

Going further

Connect to LastPass

Guide to connect to LastPass using Connect UI