
Pre-built tooling

Pre-built use-cases

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Access requirements

Paid dev account
Paid test account
App review
Security audit

Setup guide

No setup guide yet.

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Gong offers both Basic auth (API key) and OAuth as authentication. Nango implements both. To register an OAuth app, you need to request a developer account. At first, the OAuth app will be private (only for test) and you need an additional approval to make it public.

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API gotchas

  • End users can generate API keys on the Gong API page. They must have the “technical administrator” user role to do this.
  • Gong uses BASIC auth for their API, but doesn’t call them username and password: Access Key is the username in Nango and Access Key Secret is the password in Nango.
  • Gong rate-limits are per second and a total of 10k requests a day.
  • Gong-oauth uses api_base_url_for_customer, which varies for each customer, as its base_url for proxy requests. This parameter is returned in the response of generate-customer-token.
  • By default Gong limits your company’s access to the service to 3 API calls per second, and 10,000 API calls per day. You may however change this rates by contacting help.
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Connect to gong

Guide to connect to Gong API using Nango Connect.