APIs & Integrations
Pre-built tooling
Pre-built integrations
No pre-built integration yet (time to contribute: <48h)
Not seeing the integration you need? Build your own independently.
Access requirements
Pre-Requisites | Status | Comment |
Paid dev account | ✅ | Required for API access |
Paid test account | ✅ | Recommended for testing |
Partnership | ❌ | Not required |
App review | ❌ | Not required |
Security audit | ❌ | Not required |
Setup guide
To integrate with Commercetools, follow these steps:
- Create a Project: Log in to your Commercetools account and create a new project. Note down the Project Key.
- Generate API Credentials: Navigate to the API Clients section in your project settings and create a new API client. Save the Client ID and Client Secret.
- Configure Nango: Use the Client ID, Client Secret, and Project Key to set up the Commercetools integration in Nango.
- Set Region: Specify the region (e.g.,
) where your Commercetools project is hosted.
Need help getting started? Get help in the community.
Contribute improvements to the setup guide by editing this page
Useful links
- Commercetools API Documentation
- OAuth 2.0 Authentication Guide
- Commercetools SDKs
- Commercetools Getting Started Guide
Contribute useful links by editing this page
API gotchas
- Scopes: Ensure you specify the correct scope (e.g.,
) when generating the OAuth token. Without the correct scope, API requests will fail. - Token Expiry: Access tokens expire after 2 days (172800 seconds). Make sure to refresh the token before it expires.
- Region-Specific Endpoints: Use the correct region-specific endpoint (e.g.,
for the US region) when making API requests.
Contribute API gotchas by editing this page
Connect to Commercetools
Guide to connect to Commercetools using Nango Connect.
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