API configuration: chargebee


Auth (API Key)
Sync data
Perform workflows
Proxy requests
Receive webhooks🚫 (time to contribute: <48h)
We can implement missing features in <48h, just ask for it in the community.

Getting started

Chargebee provides REST APIs and webhook to interact with their data. Only the REST APIs is currently supported. API docs

Connection configuration in Nango

Chargebee requires a user specific subdomain for the API base URL.

You should request this from the user and pass it to Nango in the nango.auth() call:

nango.auth('chargebee', '<CONNECTION-ID>', {params: {subdomain: '<chargebee-subdomain>'}});

For more details see the docs here.

API gotchas

  • Chargebee uses Basic auth to access different endpoints. Provide your API key as the Username value and leave the password field empty.
  • Rate limiting: APIs are rate limited in both test and live sites. Upon breaching the rate limit APIs respond with 429 docs here.
    • Test sites: ~750 API calls per every 5 minutes
    • Live sites: ~150 API calls per site per minute
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