API configuration: e-conomic


Auth (Basic)
Sync data
Perform workflows
Proxy requests
Receive webhooks🚫 (time to contribute: <48h)
We can implement missing features in <48h, just ask for it in the community.

Getting started

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API gotchas

  • E-conomic in Nango uses Basic auth mode to access different endpoints. Provide your YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN as the Username value and YOUR_AGREEMENT_GRANT_TOKEN as the Password value.
  • After creating a connection, you can use the Basic credentials as follows;
const connection = await nango.getConnection();
let headers: { [key: string]: string } = {};
if ('username' in connection.credentials && 'password' in connection.credentials) {
    headers = {
        'X-AppSecretToken': connection.credentials.username,
        'X-AgreementGrantToken': connection.credentials.password
} else {
    throw new nango.ActionError({
        message: `Basic API credentials are incomplete`

const resp = await nango.get({
    endpoint: '/customers',
    headers: headers

  • E-conomic enforces a rate limit of 50,000 API calls per 24 hour period per agreement. For more details check E-conomic fair use policy
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