API configuration: stripe-app


Auth (OAuth)
Sync data
Perform workflows
Proxy requests
Receive webhooks🚫 (time to contribute: <48h)
We can implement missing features in <48h, just ask for it in the community.

Getting started

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Connection configuration in Nango for external test apps

  • If you are using the “External Test” version of your app, Stripe requires you to use a temporary id to identify your application. See the docs for more information.

  • In this case, you must use the stripe-app-sandbox integration in Nango, and add the temporary ID to the appDomain field in the connection params.

nango.auth('stripe-app-sandbox', '<CONNECTION-ID>', {params: {appDomain: '<stripe-app-domain>'}});

API gotchas

  • Stripe app does not return an expire_at or expire_in value during the exchange of a code for an access token. However, according to the docs, access tokens expire in one hour, while refresh tokens expire in one year
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