
Pre-built tooling

Pre-built use cases

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Access requirements

Paid dev account
Paid test account
App review
Security audit

Setup guide

No setup guide yet.

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API gotchas

  • Avalara uses BASIC auth mode to access various AvaTax API endpoints. You can provide either a combination of your username and password or your accountID and licensekey to authenticate with the Avalara AvaTax API. The license key can be generated by an account administrator under Settings > Reset License Key.
  • When creating a new connection on Nango, please provide the avalaraClient, which can help you diagnose and resolve issues with your software when used appropriately. This value is a combination of (app name); (app version); (library name); (library version); (machine name). For more details, refer to Client Headers
Contribute API gotchas by editing this page

Going further

Connect to Avalara

Guide to connect to Avalara using Connect UI

Connect to Avalara (Sandbox)

Guide to connect to Avalara (Sandbox) using Connect UI