
Pre-built tooling

Pre-built integrations

No pre-built integration yet (time to contribute: <48h)

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Access requirements

Paid dev account
Paid test account
App review
Security audit

Setup guide

No setup guide yet.

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Each user has a Help Scout Docs API key, which is used to authenticate the Docs API. For the Mailbox API, OAuth2 authentication is required.

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API gotchas

  • For Help Scout Docs Basic Auth, you will need to pass your API key as the username and a dummy password like X as the password. Each API key is associated with a Help Scout user.
  • For Help Scout Mailbox, access tokens expires after every 172800 seconds which is equivalent to 2 days, you can use nango.getConnection() to generate a new set of tokens.
  • Both helpscout-docs and helpscout-mailbox enforce different rate limits based on your current plan. For more details, please check the rate limiting guidelines for HelpScout Docs and HelpScout Mailbox.
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Connect to Help Scout

Guide to connect to Help Scout using Nango Connect.