
To authenticate with Bill, you need these pieces of information:

  1. organizaton ID - A unique identifier for your organization on Bill.
  2. Developer Key - Used to identify your developer account in API requests.
  3. apiToken - A unique token for your application on Bill.
  4. session_id - A unique sessionId for your application on Bill.

This guide will walk you through finding or creating those credentials within Bill.


  • You must set up an account with Bill.

Step 1: Finding Your API Key (token) and bill credentials

  1. Sign up for bill.com sandbox here https://app-dev-sandbox.divvy.co/create-sandbox-company

  2. As part of the setup, you receive a set of information for testing in the API sandbox environment.

  • apiToken: Your API token is used to uniquely identify your developer account in your API requests.
  • username: Your username is the email address used to sign in to your sandbox developer account. Use this value to sign in to the web app.
  • password: After setting up a test company with the Sandbox Access Form, click Set up password to complete the flow of creating a password. Use this value to sign in to the web app on your sandbox developer account.


  • Copy and securely store your API Token. It will not be available after registration.
  • To get your Organization ID and Developer Key you must send an email to bill at email.
  • Your organization ID will begin with 008.
  • You will have to contact bill to get production credentials.
  1. Make this request to get your seesionId using cURL
  • Request
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://gateway.stage.bill.com/connect/v3/login' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "username": "{username}",
  "password": "{password}",
  "organizationId": "{organization_id}",
  "devKey": "{developer_key}"
  • Response
    "sessionId": "{session_id}",
    "organizationId": "{organization_id}",
    "userId": "{user_id}"

Step 2: Connect Your Bill Account

To authenticate using your API credentials, navigate to the Bill authentication form. Enter your credentials as follows:

  • User Name: Your username is the email address used to sign in to your account
  • Password: Password associated with email address for your account
  • Organization ID: Your Organization ID
  • Developer Key: Your developer key

Click “Connect” to complete the authentication.