The backend SDK lets you interact with the Nango API. It is available on NPM as @nangohq/node.

Instantiate the backend SDK

Install it with your favorite package manager, e.g.:

npm i -S @nangohq/node

Instantiate the Nango class:

import { Nango } from '@nangohq/node';

const nango = new Nango({ secretKey: '<SECRET-KEY>' });


Rate limits

The Nango SDK is rate-limited to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage across all clients. The rate limit is enforced on a per-account basis, with a fixed window of time and a maximum number of requests allowed within that window.

If a client exceeds the rate limit, the API will respond with a 429 Too Many Requests status code. In this case, the Retry-After header is included, indicating the number of seconds the client should wait before making another request to avoid being rate-limited.

To handle rate limiting gracefully, clients should monitor for the 429 status code and honor the Retry-After header value provided in the response.

// Example:
try {
    const res = await nango.listIntegrations();
} catch(err) {
    if (err.response.status === 429) {
        const retryAfter = err.response.headers['retry-after'];
        // wait and retry


List all providers

Returns a list of providers.

await nango.listProviders()

Example Response

Get a provider

Returns a specific provider.

await nango.getProvider({ provider: <NAME> })

Example Response


List all integrations

Returns a list of integrations.

await nango.listIntegrations()

Example Response

Get an integration

Returns a specific integration.

await nango.getIntegration({ uniqueKey: <UNIQUE_KEY> });

// Deprecated
await nango.getIntegration(<INTEGRATION-ID>);


Example Response

Create an integration

Create a new integration.

await nango.createIntegration(<PROVIDER-ID>, <INTEGRATION-ID>);


Example Response

Update an integration

Edits an integration (only for OAuth APIs).

await nango.updateIntegration(<PROVIDER-ID>, <INTEGRATION-ID>);


Example Response

Delete an integration

Deletes a specific integration.

await nango.deleteIntegration(<INTEGRATION-ID>);


Example Response


List connections

Returns a list of connections without credentials.

await nango.listConnections();


Example Response

Get a connection (with credentials)

Returns a specific connection with credentials.

await nango.getConnection(<INTEGRATION-ID>, <CONNECTION-ID>);

The response content depends on the API authentication type (OAuth 2, OAuth 1, API key, Basic auth, etc.).

If you do not want to deal with collecting & injecting credentials in requests for multiple authentication types, use the Proxy (step-by-step guide).

When you fetch the connection with this API endpoint, Nango will check if the access token has expired. If it has, it will refresh it.

We recommend not caching tokens for longer than 5 minutes to ensure they are fresh.


Example Response

Get connection metadata

Returns a connection’s metadata.

await nango.getMetadata('<INTEGRATION-ID>', 'CONNECTION-ID');

If you know the structure of the metadata, you can specify a type;

interface CustomMetadata {
    anyKey: Record<string, string>;
const myTypedMetadata = await nango.getMetadata<CustomMetadata>('<INTEGRATION-ID>', '<CONNECTION-ID>');


Example Response

Set connection metadata

Set custom metadata for the connection or connections (overrides existing metadata).

await nango.setMetadata('<INTEGRATION-ID>', 'CONNECTION-ID', { 'CUSTOM_KEY1': 'CUSTOM_VALUE1' });

# set an array of connection ids



Edit connection metadata

Edit custom metadata for the connection or connections. Only overrides specified properties, not the entire metadata.

await nango.updateMetadata('<INTEGRATION-ID>', 'CONNECTION-ID', { 'CUSTOM_KEY1': 'CUSTOM_VALUE1' });

# update an array of connection ids
await nango.updateMetadata('<INTEGRATION-ID>', ['CONNECTION-ID', 'CONNECTION-ID-TWO'], { 'CUSTOM_KEY1': 'CUSTOM_VALUE1' });



Delete a connection

Deletes a specific connection.

await nango.deleteConnection('<INTEGRATION-ID>', 'CONNECTION-ID');



Empty response.

Integration scripts

Get integration scripts config

Return the configuration for all integration scripts

const scriptsConfig = await nango.getScriptsConfig();

Example Response


Get records

Returns the synced data.

import type { ModelName } from '<path-to-nango-integrations>/models'

const records = await nango.listRecords<ModelName>({
    providerConfigKey: '<INTEGRATION-ID>',
    connectionId: '<CONNECTION-ID>',
    model: '<MODEL-NAME>'


Example Response

This endpoint returns a list of records, ordered by modification date ascending. If some records are updated while you paginate through this endpoint, you might see these records multiple times.

Trigger sync(s)

Triggers an additional, one-off execution of specified sync(s) for a given connection or all applicable connections if no connection is specified.

// Simple usage with sync names
const result = await nango.triggerSync('<INTEGRATION-ID>', ['SYNC_NAME1', 'SYNC_NAME2'], '<CONNECTION_ID>');

// Using variants
const resultWithVariants = await nango.triggerSync('<INTEGRATION-ID>', [
  { name: 'SYNC_NAME1', variant: 'VARIANT_A' },
  'SYNC_NAME2' // Uses default base variant



Empty response.

Start schedule for sync(s)

Starts the schedule of specified sync(s) for a given connection or all applicable connections if no connection is specified. Upon starting the schedule, the sync will execute immediately and then continue to run at the specified frequency. If the schedule was already started, this will have no effect.

// Simple usage with sync names
await nango.startSync('<INTEGRATION-ID>', ['SYNC_NAME1', 'SYNC_NAME2'], '<CONNECTION_ID>');

// Using variants
await nango.startSync('<INTEGRATION-ID>', [
  { name: 'SYNC_NAME1', variant: 'VARIANT_A' },
  'SYNC_NAME2' // Uses default base variant



Empty response.

Pause schedule for sync(s)

Pauses the schedule of specified sync(s) for a given connection or all applicable connections if no connection is specified.

// Simple usage with sync names
await nango.pauseSync('<INTEGRATION-ID>', ['SYNC_NAME1', 'SYNC_NAME2'], '<CONNECTION_ID>');

// Using variants
await nango.pauseSync('<INTEGRATION-ID>', [
  { name: 'SYNC_NAME1', variant: 'VARIANT_A' },
  'SYNC_NAME2' // Uses default base variant



Empty response.

Sync status

Get the status of specified sync(s) for a given connection or all applicable connections if no connection is specified.

// Simple usage with sync names
await nango.syncStatus('<INTEGRATION-ID>', ['SYNC_NAME1', 'SYNC_NAME2'], '<CONNECTION_ID>');

// Using variants
await nango.syncStatus('<INTEGRATION-ID>', [
  { name: 'SYNC_NAME1', variant: 'VARIANT_A' },
  'SYNC_NAME2' // Uses default base variant

// Get all syncs
await nango.syncStatus('<INTEGRATION-ID>', '*', '<CONNECTION_ID>');



Override sync connection frequency

Override a sync’s default frequency for a specific connection, or revert to the default frequency.

// For base variant
await nango.updateSyncConnectionFrequency('<INTEGRATION-ID>', 'SYNC_NAME', '<CONNECTION_ID>', '<FREQUENCY>');

// For a specific variant
await nango.updateSyncConnectionFrequency('<INTEGRATION-ID>', { name: 'SYNC_NAME', variant: 'VARIANT_NAME' }, '<CONNECTION_ID>', '<FREQUENCY>');



Create sync variant

Creates a new sync variant for a specific connection. Sync variants allow you to run multiple instances of the same sync with different configurations.

await nango.createSyncVariant({
  provider_config_key: '<INTEGRATION-ID>',
  connection_id: '<CONNECTION_ID>',
  name: 'SYNC_NAME',
  variant: 'VARIANT_NAME'


Example Response

Delete sync variant

Deletes a sync variant for a specific connection.

await nango.deleteSyncVariant({
  provider_config_key: '<INTEGRATION-ID>',
  connection_id: '<CONNECTION_ID>',
  name: 'SYNC_NAME',
  variant: 'VARIANT_NAME'


Example Response

Get environment variables

Retrieve the environment variables as added in the Nango dashboard.

await nango.getEnvironmentVariables();


No parameters.



Trigger an action

Triggers an action for a connection.

await nango.triggerAction('<INTEGRATION-ID>', '<CONNECTION_ID>', '<ACTION-NAME>', { 'custom_key1': 'custom_value1' });




Makes an HTTP request using the proxy:

const config = {
    endpoint: '/some-endpoint',
    providerConfigKey: '<INTEGRATION-ID>',
    connectionId: '<CONNECTION-ID>'

await nango.get(config); // GET request
await; // POST request
await nango.put(config); // PUT request
await nango.patch(config); // PATCH request
await nango.delete(config); // DELETE request




Create a connect session

Create a connect session for a given end user

const { data } = await nango.createConnectSession({
  end_user: {
    id: '<END-USER-ID>',
    email: '<END-USER-EMAIL>',
    display_name: '<END-USER-NAME>'
  organization: {
    id: '<ORGANIZATION-ID>',
    display_name: '<ORGANIZATION-NAME>'
  allowed_integrations: ['<INTEGRATION-ID-1>', '<INTEGRATION-ID-2>'],
  integrations_config_defaults: {
      connection_config: {
        <CONFIG-KEY>: '<VALUE>'



Create a reconnect session

Create a reconnect session for a given connection_id. Optionally, you can set end_user and organization to update those attributes of the connection. Use this method when a user needs to input new credentials or to manually refresh token.

This method is only compatible with connection_id created with a session token.
const { data } = await nango.createReconnectSession({
  // Required
  connection_id: '<CONNECTION-ID>'
  integration_id: '<INTEGRATION-ID>',

  // Optional
  end_user: {
    id: '<END-USER-ID>',
    email: '<END-USER-EMAIL>',
    display_name: '<END-USER-NAME>'
  organization: {
    id: '<ORGANIZATION-ID>',
    display_name: '<ORGANIZATION-NAME>'
  integrations_config_defaults: {
      connection_config: {
        <CONFIG-KEY>: '<VALUE>'




Verify Webhook Signature

Asserts that a Webhook is coming from Nango’s backend.

async (req, res) => {
    const signature = req.headers['x-nango-signature'];
    const isValid = nango.verifyWebhookSignature(signature, req.body);

Questions, problems, feedback? Please reach out in the Slack community.