API configurations are listed in the providers.yaml file, located in the Nango GitHub repository. Learn more about API configurations.


        - marketing
        - support
    auth_mode: OAUTH2
    authorization_url: https://app.hubspot.com/oauth/authorize
    token_url: https://api.hubapi.com/oauth/v1/token
        - portalId
    post_connection_script: hubspot-post-connection
    webhook_routing_script: hubspot-webhook-routing
        base_url: https://api.hubapi.com
        decompress: true
    docs: https://docs.nango.dev/integrations/all/hubspot

All configuration fields

auth_modeThe type of authorization of the API, e.g. OAUTH2, API_KEY, BASIC, etc.
authorization_urlThe URL to show the OAuth 2 login form to authorize the external service.
token_urlThe URL to get the OAuth 2 credentials from the external API.
scope_separatorDefaults to space, but some APIs sur , or +.
authorization_paramsQuery parameters of the authorization request, e.g. response_type: code
token_paramsQuery parameters of the token request, e.g. grant_type: authorization_code
refresh_paramsQuery parameters of the refresh request, e.g. grant_type: refresh_token
proxyContains the configuration to use the proxy.
proxy.base_urlThe base URL of the API to be used when proxying requests.
proxy.headersThe headers to include when proxying requests.
proxy.retry.afterThe name of the rate-limit header, e.g. after: 'X-Rate-Limit-Reset'
proxy.retry.atThe name of the rate-limit header, e.g. at: 'x-ratelimit-reset'
docsThe link to the API documentation (in the Nango documentation).
default_scopesThe minimum list of scopes that are necessary to connect to the API.
refresh_urlThe URL to refresh the OAuth credentials (defaults to the token_url)
disable_pkceDisables the PKCE extention to the Authorization Code flow.
token_request_auth_methodThe authorization method for the token request.
token_response_metadataThe metadata to capture from the token response.
webhook_routing_scriptSpecifies a script to handle external webhooks.
post_connection_scriptSpecifies a script to execute following each new connection.
request_urlThe token request URL for OAuth 1.
signature_methodThe signature method for OAuth 1
redirect_uri_metadataThe metadata to capture from the callback request.
verificationThe endpoint to verify that API key and Basic credentials are valid.
categoriesThe categories of the external API (e.g. CRM) for proper documentation.
aliasAllows to extend the configuration of another API.
token_expiration_bufferThe buffer between when access token expiration and refresh.

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