Set up the Nango CLI and integration folder

Install the Nango CLI globally:

npm install -g nango

Create your Nango integrations folder

All your integrations live in a folder called nango-integrations. Whether located in your main codebase or a dedicated repository, this folder should be version-controlled.

To initialize your integrations folder (e.g. at the root of your repository), run:

nango init nango-integrations

This creates the ./nango-integrations folder with some initial configuration and an example sync script. The nango-integrations directory looks like this:

├── .env
├── nango.yaml
├── models.ts
└── demo-github-integration # this is the integration unique ID and must match the nango.yaml entry and the integration ID in the UI
    └── syncs/
        └── github-issue-example.ts

Authenticate the CLI

In an .env file in ./nango-integrations, add the following environment variables:


Get your secret keys from the Environment Settings tab (toggle between the Production and Development environment in the left nav bar).

Learn more about the Nango CLI (reference).

Edit the nango.yaml configuration

In your nango-integrations folder, open the nango.yaml configuration file (reference).

In Nango, integration can have multiple types: sync or action. Before starting, determine which one fits your use case.

Configure a sync

This example nango.yaml configuration describes a sync that continuously fetches contacts from Salesforce:

    salesforce: # Integration ID
            salesforce-contacts: # Sync name (must match integration script name)
                description: |
                    Syncs contacts based on a field mapping object.
                runs: every day # Sync frequency
                output: Contact # Output model
                endpoint: GET /crm/contact # Unified Nango endpoint
                scopes: offline_access,api # Necessary scopes

    Contact: # Data model reference above
        id: string # Required unique ID
        first_name: string
        last_name: string
        email: string
        account_id: string
        last_modified_date: string

Learn more about sync configurations in the reference and check out pre-built integrations.

Configure an action

This example nango.yaml configuration describes an action that synchronously fetches a contact by ID from Salesforce:

    salesforce: # Integration ID
            salesforce-contact-fields: # Action name (must match integration script name)
                description: Fetch available contact fields
                output: ContactSchema # Output model
                endpoint: POST /crm/contact-field # Unified Nango endpoint
                scopes: offline_access,api # Necessary scopes

        fields: string[]

Learn more about actions configurations in the reference and check out example templates.

Write an integration script

Generate the integration script scaffolding

Every time that you add a new integration to the nango.yaml configuration, run:

nango generate # (in `./nango-integrations`)

Among other things, this will generate the integration script files with initial scaffolding for any sync or action that you added (existing integration script files stay untouched).

Start script development mode

Before you plan to modify your integration scripts, run:

nango dev # Keep the tab open

This command starts a process that continuously compiles your integration scripts and prints code syntax errors.

Write a sync script

Open the generated sync script (named [sync-name].ts) which should contain the following scaffolding :

import type { NangoSync, Contact } from '../../models';

export default async function fetchData(nango: NangoSync): Promise<void> {
	// Integration code goes here.

Fill in the fetchData method with your integration code (in the example here, we fetch tasks from Salesforce):

import type { NangoSync, Contact } from '../../models';

export default async function fetchData(nango: NangoSync): Promise<void> {
    const query = buildQuery(nango.lastSyncDate);
    await fetchAndSaveRecords(nango, query);
    await nango.log('Sync run completed!');

function buildQuery(lastSyncDate?: Date): string {
    let baseQuery = `SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Email, AccountId, LastModifiedDate FROM Contact`;

    if (lastSyncDate) { // Only fetch the new data.
        baseQuery += ` WHERE LastModifiedDate > ${lastSyncDate.toISOString()}`;

    return baseQuery;

async function fetchAndSaveRecords(nango: NangoSync, query: string) {
    let endpoint = '/services/data/v53.0/query';

    while (true) {
        const response = await nango.get({
            endpoint: endpoint,
            params: endpoint === '/services/data/v53.0/query' ? { q: query } : {}

        const mappedRecords = mapContacts(;

        await nango.batchSave(mappedRecords, 'SalesforceContact'); // Saves records to Nango cache.

        if ( {

        endpoint =;

function mapContacts(records: any[]): SalesforceContact[] {
    return any) => {
        return {
            id: record.Id as string,
            first_name: record.FirstName,
            last_name: record.LastName,
            email: record.Email,
            account_id: record.AccountId,
            last_modified_date: record.LastModifiedDate

In this integration script, the following Nango utilities are used:

  • nango.lastSyncDate is the last date at which the sync has run
  • await nango.batchSave() to persist external data in Nango’s cache
  • await nango.get() to perform an API request (automatically authenticated by Nango)
  • await nango.log() to print console logs (replaces console.log())

Learn more about sync scripts: understanding syncs, script reference, example templates.

Write an action script

Open the generated action script (named [action-name].ts) which should contain the following scaffolding :

import type { NangoAction, FieldSchema } from '../../models';

export default async function runAction(nango: NangoAction): Promise<FieldSchema> {
    // Integration code goes here.

Fill in the runAction method with your integration code (in the example here, we fetch available contact fields from Salesforce):

import type { NangoAction, FieldSchema } from '../../models';

export default async function runAction(nango: NangoAction): Promise<FieldSchema> {
    try {
        const response = await nango.get({
            endpoint: '/services/data/v51.0/sobjects/Contact/describe'

        await nango.log('Salesforce fields fetched!');

        const { data } = response;
        const { fields, childRelationships } = data;

        return {
            fields: mapFields(fields)
    } catch (error: any) {
        throw new nango.ActionError({
            message: 'Failed to fetch fields in the runAction call',
            details: {
                message: error?.message,
                method: error?.config?.method,
                url: error?.config?.url,
                code: error?.code

function mapFields(fields: any) {
    return => {
        const { name, label, type, relationshipName } = field;
        return {
            relationshipName: relationshipName as string

In this integration script, the following Nango utilities are used:

  • await nango.get() to perform an API request (automatically authenticated by Nango)
  • nango.ActionError() to report errors in the execution of the integration script
  • await nango.log() to print console logs (replaces console.log())
  • return will synchronously return results from the action trigger request

Learn more about action scripts: understanding actions, script reference, example templates.

Test your integration scripts locally

Easily test your integration scripts locally as you develop them with the dryrun function of the CLI (reference):

nango dryrun salesforce-contacts '<CONNECTION-ID>' # Sync
nango dryrun salesforce-contact-fields '<CONNECTION-ID>' # Action
nango dryrun --help # Display help for command

Because this is a dry run, syncs won’t persist data in Nango (and actions never persist data); instead, the retrieved data will be printed to the console.

By default, dryrun retrieves connections from your Dev environment.

Deploy your integration scripts

Nango provides multiple cloud environments so you can test your integration scripts more thoroughly before releasing them to customers.

To deploy all integration scripts at once, run (reference):

nango deploy dev # Deploy to your Development environment
# or
nango deploy prod # Deploy to your Production environment

In the Nango UI, navigate to the Endpoints tab of the relevant integration(s) to verify the deployment succeeded.

Questions, problems, feedback? Please reach out in the Slack community.