API configuration: helpscout-docs, helpscout-mailbox


Auth (OAuth + API Key)
Sync data
Perform workflows
Proxy requests
Receive webhooks🚫 (time to contribute: <48h)
We can implement missing features in <48h, just ask for it in the community.

Getting started

Each user has a Help Scout Docs API key, which is used to authenticate the Docs API. For the Mailbox API, OAuth2 authentication is required.

Need help getting started? Get help in the community.

API gotchas

  • For Help Scout Docs Basic Auth, you will need to pass your API key as the username and a dummy password like X as the password. Each API key is associated with a Help Scout user.
  • For Help Scout Mailbox, access tokens expires after every 172800 seconds which is equivalent to 2 days, you can use nango.getConnection() to generate a new set of tokens.
  • Both helpscout-docs and helpscout-mailbox enforce different rate limits based on your current plan. For more details, please check the rate limiting guidelines for HelpScout Docs and HelpScout Mailbox.
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